Monday 8 April 2013

Tutorial Exercise 26th February 2013 > Trip to National Art Gallery

Today in design class, my classmates and I we went on a trip to Malaysia's one and only..National Art Gallery. And tell you what, it was such an eye-opener!

If I could set my own laws, there should definitely be one saying "compulsory visits to Malaysia's Art Gallery." Personally, I believe every Malaysian should have visited the art gallery at least once in their life. (It's free people! There's nothing to lose.)

All in all, I felt that the entire gallery is so filled with Malaysia's unique art works which is like no other. Other than that, the gallery also provide a platform for young talented artists to exhibit their paintings and for them to express themselves through their artworks. I was pretty much wonderstruck throughout the whole visit. At one point, I had this sudden complusive desire to be an artist whose works can be hung on the walls even though I'm pretty convinced it's not going to happen in this lifetime that is.

Through this visit, it made me realize that Malaysians in particular do not pay much attention to Art and that many Malaysian's artists are not being recognized for their works. During my visit, the gallery seems pretty empty and disregarded by Malaysians. I feel that people should open up to art a little bit more and that art should be promoted more in Malaysia.

Being exposed to art at a young age myself, it made me become more imaginative, creative and expressive I would say. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words. Isn't it what they all say?

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