Monday 8 April 2013

Tutorial Exercise 22nd March 2013 > Trip to Central Market

Last Friday, instead of having class as usual in the computer lab sitting and facing the oh-so-dull computer screens. The whole design team went on a field trip to Central Market. Yay!

Having not been to Central Market before, I was told repeatedly that it wasn't a safe and that I'll have to keep my guard up if i were to go there. Despite the warnings, I can't quite help but feel excited and enthusiastic about this trip and also, I have been anticipating it for weeks. When we finally got there, everyone started putting on their photographic skills into practice. I literally hear clicking sounds everywhere and it seems like every one was snapping pictures of everything that they could get their eyes on.

While I was walking around the streets with my camera in one hand, for a second I feel like I'm tourist visiting a foreign country. I could still recall, when I was walking down a row of shops, mostly selling artworks, an artist who was working on a painting caught my eye.

Perhaps, more specifically, it was the look on his face, the way the 'Pak Cik' looked when he was working on his artwork that kept me riveted for a good 10 seconds. So incredibly focused, passionate and engrossed in creating his next masterpiece.

Unfortunately, I wasn't able to take a picture of him or the artwork because I thought it would be rude of me to do that and if I were to put myself in his shoes, I wouldn't have liked it either.

Throughout the trip, my friends and I went around loitering and in between I did manage to snap a few pictures which I personally find amusing. I can tell everyone had a lot of fun apart for the fact that it rained. Boo.

 I took this picture mainly because it reminded me of all the fat cats in Turkey which are all covered with thick furs. And also the fact that it somewhat reminded me of my father 's self-righteous stance before I get a beating from getting into trouble.

Malaysia's various handicrafts and souvenirs to bring home! 

Handmade arts and crafts.

On the busy streets of Central Market. 

Street art. by Malaysian artistes. Believe it or not. It stretches all the way to the far end!

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