Monday 4 March 2013

Tutorial Exercise 15th Jan 2013 > Abstract Art

For the very first time in my life, I finally got my hands on Photoshop! *Proud* Having never ever used Photoshop before, I had a really tough time controlling my hand movements at first. However, after several bad tries and a couple of practices, I have gotten the hang of it and was able to get a better command while using the brush tool.

 On the first day of class, we were given a task on creating an abstract art using solely the brush tool icon, perhaps to get our hands a better sense of control over the mouse.

 If i were to name the artwork that i have created, I would have called it "A daydreamer's getaway." The reason? Simple. It was because it reminded me of the image I saw while i was daydreaming in Economics class. :P

The image of a wide field with tall grasses and a weather perfect for flying kites. It just seems like a magical getaway for a a person like me who is so overwhelmed by stress and exhaustion.

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