Monday 4 March 2013

Tutorial Exercise 25th Jan 2013 > Opacity

A transparent fruit bowl is created by making changes to the layer opacity.

Tutorial Exercise 15th Jan 2013 > Abstract Art

For the very first time in my life, I finally got my hands on Photoshop! *Proud* Having never ever used Photoshop before, I had a really tough time controlling my hand movements at first. However, after several bad tries and a couple of practices, I have gotten the hang of it and was able to get a better command while using the brush tool.

 On the first day of class, we were given a task on creating an abstract art using solely the brush tool icon, perhaps to get our hands a better sense of control over the mouse.

 If i were to name the artwork that i have created, I would have called it "A daydreamer's getaway." The reason? Simple. It was because it reminded me of the image I saw while i was daydreaming in Economics class. :P

The image of a wide field with tall grasses and a weather perfect for flying kites. It just seems like a magical getaway for a a person like me who is so overwhelmed by stress and exhaustion.

Tutorial Exercise 22nd Jan 2013 > Sphere Shading

In today's design class, we were taught on how to master our shading techniques and also to use the elliptical marquee tool to make out various shapes and sizes. The smudge tool icon was also used in creating the shadow of the sphere in order to make it look more realistic and three-dimensional. The sphere was created using different tones of red to enhance the 3D look.

Tutorial Exercise 18th Jan 2013 > Fruit Fiesta

Fruits are in the air! Today, we were given a task on coming up with a design artwork and the chosen theme for the artwork was..*drumroll* Fruits! Sweet delicious juicy-looking fruits :)

After being exposed to the lasso tools taught in class, I started working on the artwork by cutting out images of the different types of fruits followed by rotating and minimizing the sizes of the fruit images using Photoshop. This 'fruit fiesta' artwork is hugely inspired by a book file that i came across at a bookstore in Midvalley. The  strikingly vibrant colours of the fruits caught my attention and therefore, i was pretty motivated to include some of the elements into my artwork to make it look fun.